Sep 6 / Matt Saunders

5 Ways to Generate Inbound Leads on Social Media

Simply saying "I'm available" is not enough to reliably generate leads on platforms like LinkedIn or Instagram. Integrate these 5 tips and start getting people knocking down your door!

Do you post regularly on social media, but struggle to generate inbound enquiries?

I remember back when I started my business, posting on social media felt like shouting into the void.

We're told that if you just keep going, eventually it'll come back you 🤞

Well, there's some truth in this. You do need to keep going. But what you actually say is really important. Because if you're not saying the right things, nobody will reach out to you and it will feel like a colossal waste of time.

How I get inbound leads

Tired man holding head in hands
I'll be honest - whenever I see people on LinkedIn post something like "Hi guys, I've got some availability coming up this month, reach out to me if you need {insert service here}" I cringe a little.

I'm not saying this doesn't work at all, but you will have far greater success if you implement the following 5 ideas into your posts.

#1 Be specific about how you can help people

For example, don't simply say you're a copywriter; instead talk about how you help businesses resonate with their target audience, or generate sales through their website. These are the results people want, and that's what they are paying for.

#2 Talk about your ambitions and goals

You can inspire people to reach out to you if they sense you're on a mission that aligns with theirs. A statement such as "I'm looking for two businesses who want to launch a shiny new rebrand in 8 weeks" is more powerful than when you simply say "I'm a brand designer" and hope people join the dots.
Example LinkedIn hand-raiser post
[Above] example of a "hand-raiser" post calling out to my ideal client

#3 Share your best work

Show, don't tell. When people see what you're capable of it takes the guesswork away.

#4 Signal your values

As a solo business owner you have ultimate control of who you work with. Don't be afraid to call in others who share your values. Are you ambitious? Progressive? Traditional? Family-oriented? A digital nomad? Talk about what matters to you and watch other likeminded people connect.

#5 Give advice to your target client

If you've done your research and have a good understanding of the challenges your ideal clients face, post solutions to their problems. This post is an example of that. If you're struggling with what to write it's a sign you need to talk to more people and listen to the problems they share with you.
Example of a motivational post
[Above] Example of a post my ideal clients needed to hear (100+ reactions)
Make a commitment right now to pepper some of these ideas into your next few posts and watch what happens!

Further reading: my top-performing LinkedIn posts
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