Free sales training video

Make sales feel more like a chat with an old friend

A simple sales process you can implement immediately to reduce no-shows and ghosting, and get more sales.

So you're not a fan of selling...

Selling feels like an evil necessity, just something you have to do. It sucks when a prospect fails to show up to sales call, or ghosts you after you send your proposal. 

And what's worse, you pile on the pressure to "perform", all whilst feeling the ick when it comes to selling your service.

But guess what? All you need to do is make a few tweaks to your discovery and sales process, and you'll start booking more serious, ready-to-buy clients.

Lesson series

Here's what you'll learn in this sales training

  • A plug & play sales process you can implement quickly and easily.
  • Common ways in which people get sales wrong.
  • How to reduce no-shows and ghosting.
  • How to intelligently qualify your prospects so you only attract best-fit clients who are ready to buy.
  • How to coach your prospect to a clear yes or no decision on working with you.
Two people talking at a whiteboard

Who is this masterclass for?

This free sales training is for people who typically dislike selling, but know it is part of their job and would like some practical advice on how to improve. 
  • Service-based businesses
  • Freelancers
  • Copywriters, web designers and other creatives

Who am I?

I'm Matt Saunders - a trained, certified and practicing business coach.
  • 20+ years experience in the creative sector.
  • Ex-agency owner & co-founder.
  • Coached 50+ creative professionals.
Matt Saunders coach

Make sales feel like a chat with an old friend

  • Plug & play sales process.
  • Pre-qualify to deter bad-fit clients.
  • Make selling effortless.

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