Freelancers and solo Business Owners...

Feeling exhausted and overwhelmed by your business?

Are you tired of sacrificing your wellbeing and relationships to build your business? Are you putting in the effort but just not getting the results you want?

Sadly, this is a common story amongst business owners. That is why we developed The Freedom Plan, a personalised roadmap to help you build a thriving lifestyle business in 90 days.
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→ "I'm feeling so much more calm, so much relaxed and in  so much more in control"

Alex came to me when his copywriting business was at point of growth. I worked with him to find the best path forward to support his goals for both himself, his family and his clients.
Write your awesome label here.
→ "The difference between me 5 months ago and me now is insane"

Jake desperately needed some help to develop his offer, deal with procrastination and get better at sales. Now he's able to proactively secure work and feels in "absolute control" of his business. 

Is your business taking all your time and energy? Juggling everything and putting out fires?

Most people go into business for freedom and flexibility. But very few actually achieve it. Coaching over 100 solo business owners has revealed that freedom takes many forms...

Financial Freedom

Most people aren't interested in being rich.

What they actually want is to earn enough to buy what they want, when they want it, without worrying about money or where the next client is coming from.

Time Freedom

Working too many hours and feeling like you have to be "always on"?

What most business owners really want is ownership of their time and the confidence to set and maintain their boundaries.

Physical Freedom

Many people let their health take a backseat as they push too hard, for too long. 

But health is wealth, and you need to feel alive, energised and well to build a sustainable business that brings real freedom.

Spiritual Freedom

Are you trapped in self-doubt and overthinking? Feeling disconnected?

By tapping into our emotional states, we can cultivate a deep sense of purpose, meaning and inner confidence. 

➡️ ASK YOURSELF: Which freedom is most important to you right now?

Get balance, energy and consistency with The Freedom Plan

Design a business that supports your personal lifestyle goals. Here's what we'll cover in 90 days...

To create financial freedom we will...

✅ Develop your personal money vision
✅ Get clear on your ideal client and offer
✅ Install a plug and play sales funnel
✅ Learn how to systemise, delegate and automate

To create time freedom we will...

✅ Design your ideal day and week to include fun, relaxation, creativity, family and work
✅ Set and integrate your  boundaries and non-negotiables

To create physical freedom we will...

✅ Assess your habits and environment to optimise for physical wellbeing
✅ Integrate digital minimalism measures to reduce cognitive distraction

To create spiritual freedom we will...

✅ Audit your consumption habits
✅ Audit where your energy is being spent
✅ Develop a personal "peace of mind" manifesto
✅ Step into the most confident version yourself

⚠️ IMPORTANT: This is a personalised programme - not everything here may be applicable to you. We will focus only on the highest value activities that will impact your life and business most.

Interested in joining?

If you're curious about enrolling on this programme, first join the waitlist below. We take on 3 new clients per month.

➡️ Build a thriving lifestyle business in 90 days.

What happens next?

Discovery call

We reach out to organise a discovery call with you. There will be no hard-sell, and together, we will decide if this is the right programme for you.

Onboarding form

If you'd like to enrol on The Freedom Plan, you'll be sent an extensive onboarding form to capture exactly where you're at, and where you wish to go.

Activation session

We will run a 90 minute session with you to dive into the answers you gave in your onboarding form.

90 day roadmap

We will then determine which key activities and commitments you'd like to make in order to accelerate progress toward your goals over the next 90 days.

Coaching begins

90 days of accountability coaching and on-demand integration support begins.
Write your awesome label here.
→ "I'm more confident in leading clients to see the value in my work"

Taaryn wanted some help to identify her ideal clients for her illustration business. By working through her beliefs and values, she began attracting best-fit clients "without even realising".
Write your awesome label here.
→ "The words 'purpose' and 'direction' sum up the value that Matt has driven through his coaching"

Craig was in a bit of a rut and wanted some help to clarify his audience and offer. He wanted to move away from selling his time as a freelancer, and build a more scalable model for his paid ads business.
Write your awesome label here.
→ "At one point I decided I need to get someone to help me with this"

Michel approached me because his client acquisition strategy wasn't working. Within a few sessions we identified a better way and Michel started landing sales conversations and paying clients quickly.
Write your awesome label here.
→ "Now I feel more excited about the future and a lot less anxious"

Amy was desperately looking to book new clients and lacking in confidence after a tough year. Together we improved her mindset and strategy for approaching prospects and running sales calls. Now she is fully booked.
We take on only 3 business owners per month. Join the waitlist to be notified of the next launch.
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