Business Coaching for co-founders

Strengthen your co-founder relationship so you can build the agency you always dreamed of

Co-founders operating in true alignment are unstoppable. Can you say that's the case for you?

Sometimes, you don't know what's going on in their head. And despite meeting after meeting, you and your co-founder still don't seem to be on quite the same page. Misaligned goals, confusion over where the agency is headed, as well as running a growing business means you often feel exhausted.

Things might not be bad, but you feel it could be going better.

If this sounds like you, say hello to Co-Founder Calibration, a coaching container to help you and your business partner fully align on the vision for your business, both strategically and emotionally.

Pull in the same direction

Here's how Co-Founder Calibration can help:
  • Provide a space to facilitate challenging conversations, ensuring both founders feel heard.
  • Help you get fully aligned on the business strategy and wider vision.
  • Reflective practice to catch emerging problems before they become a "thing".
  • Help you get clear on your individual roles and responsibilities within the business.
  • Hold you accountable to follow through and take growth-oriented, strategic action.

Who is this for?

This is for agency founders who:
  • Value open dialog, honesty and transparency.
  • Are growth-minded and seek meaningful impact in their work.
  • Want an experienced guide to help articulate and implement their ideas.

Who am I?

I'm Matt Saunders - a trained, certified and practicing business coach.
  • 20+ years experience in the creative sector.
  • Ex-agency owner + co-founder.
  • Coached 50+ creative professionals.

How Co-Founder Calibration works

1. Consultation

You and your co-founder book a call to meet with me to see if we'd be a good fit to work together. This is a relaxed and informal conversation, with no sales pressure.

2. Onboarding

You and your co-founder will complete a questionnaire to gauge your perspectives on various critical points of business. Findings will be revealed on the first call, and used to determine the scope and goals of our work together.

3. Action

We meet three times per month for up to 90 minutes to talk freely, overcome challenges and set actions. You also have email access to me between sessions for ongoing support.
Working with Matt is awesome, he is very committed, he wants the best for me and he has a source of knowledge that keeps me engaged - Michel, agency owner
Matt supported me in evolving my business and now I'm feeling so much more calm, so much relaxed and so much more in control - Alex, agency owner
Matt provided us with fantastic insight, expertise and honesty in his coaching which has helped us massively in moving the business forward - Colin, agency co-founder

Frequently asked questions

What sort of founder relationships do you work with?

I've coached founders who are married, founders who are best friends, and I co-founded my first agency with my brother. The relationship matters less than the willingness to make it work.

What sort of topics do you coach on?

The specific goals are tailored to you but generally I help co-founders express and explore ideas, manage team challenges, develop growth strategies, support with client acquisition & retention, and develop their agency or founder's personal brands.

What is your coaching style?

I'm not here to "give" answers or instruct - I am here to listen, reflect and unearth the insights you already have. My role is to help you find clarity and develop the courage to put your wisdom into action.

Is this like "business therapy"?

Sort of. Much value can be gained through conversation. Critical action comes from this space. It is important to note however, that although I am trauma-informed, I am not a therapist and so we cannot delve into deeply personal matters.

How are sessions delivered?

Sessions are typically delivered online. We meet three times per month for up to 90 minutes/session. We work to a loose agenda, and may make use of online whiteboards to sketch out ideas. Notes and actions are taken in a shared document.
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