Do you miss being around other ambitious, creative people?

Join an uplifting community of business owners who are learning and growing together

Confidence & skills development - Leads & opportunities - Active community
Doors close Friday 14th June

You're often ruminating in your own head with no-one to speak to about your business challenges and ideas. Those around you want to help, but they don't understand what it's like to run a business, so they can't give you what you need.

This is where a community of like-minded people who just get it comes in...

Meet your new team 👋🏻

We get it. Business ownership is a game of ups and downs. But why go it alone? The Solo Collective is a space to work alongside others on the same journey. It's a platform to discover new ideas, a place to learn valuable skills and an incredible resource to get your business questions answered.

High-impact weekly calls

We run five types of events every month, all designed to help you grow personally and professionally.

Never get stuck again. Bring whatever you're struggling with to the group in a Hot Seat session where all eyes will be on solving your problem.
Rapidly build your communication skills in our public speaking practice sessions. Learn how to share your ideas effectively and pitch with total confidence.
Learn proven, high-value skills to strengthen your business mindset and strategy. Plus access recordings from all previous masterclasses when you join.
Get focused and work on your business. Attend a 60 minute deep work session every Friday where you work on one task that will move your business forward.
It's not all about work! Take a break and join an agenda-free session to co-work, chat or share whatever's on your mind with the rest of the team.

Winning together

Here's what happens when you're in a supportive, positive environment...

Here's what you get when you join The Solo Collective...

  • Weekly accelerator calls - stop going it alone and getting overwhelmed. Join a positive space to learn and grow with Q&As, deep work sessions, speaking practice and masterclasses.
  • Leads & opportunities - get access to a curated list of 70+ freelance opportunities every week for copywriters, SEOs, web & graphic designers and more.
  • Masterclasses - get instant access to all past masterclasses. We've covered topics such as business mindset, sales strategy, integrating AI and so much more.
  • Partner discounts - receive special offers and discounts on amazing software and services through our members and partners.
  • Goals, accountability & feedback - we have spaces within the platform to set weekly goals and gain constructive feedback from members on your ideas and works in progress.

£50 per month or just £125 when you commit to 3 months

Doors currently closed. Register to be notified when they open.

What our members say

The Solo Collective is a fantastic group to be part of. I've made some great new connections and everyone is so supportive. The group combines mindset and practical advice and is great value for money. From posting copywriting leads to bringing in guest speakers, it's a good place to find work and learn from others.
Jamie, Copywriter
Being a part of the Solo Collective has allowed me to connect with others who can share advice and experience. Engaging with the positive mindset and focusing on my dream clients has led me to more consistent pitching to clients I'd love to work with. I'm already engaged and in conversation with multiple clients on my dream list!
Victoria, Copywriter
This group is the nicest bunch of business owners. I'd recommend joining if you're ready for growth, but you need a supportive community around you to make that happen. There are regular opportunities to come together to brainstorm problems that group members might be facing, and I always come away feeling motivated and supported.
Beth, Web Designer

Frequently asked questions

What can I expect to gain by being in this community?

Unlike many other communities we do not promise a specific outcome when you enrol. There are no courses to take or qualifications to be earned. Instead, what this community will deliver is in exact proportion to your contribution. Ask yourself this: if I show up regularly to the calls, connect and support other members, follow up with the leads and opportunities posted and engage in the platform, how do I think this will impact my results? What learnings might I acquire? What opportunities might open up for me? 

Is it suitable for freelancers/self-employed people?

Yes. The Solo Collective is designed for ambitious people who wish to improve their mindset, confidence and skill set, regardless of their employment situation.

Is it suitable for those in full-time employment?

Yes. Whilst The Solo Collective is chiefly intended for those who run small businesses, the guest masterclasses we offer and the weekly calls are suitable for anyone who wishes to increase their self-confidence, acquire new skills and develop a more positive mindset.

Is it suitable for owners of larger businesses?

Probably not, but it depends on your intentions for joining. If you're looking for support for such things as securing investment, scaling your operations, dealing with regulatory compliance or mergers & acquisitions, this is not the place to answer those questions.

Who is this definitely NOT suitable for?

The Solo Collective is a positive space for personal and professional growth. Whilst we're here to support your challenges, you must be growth-minded and open to ideas. If you tend to avoid pushing yourself, secretly believe you've got it all figured out and prioritise "busywork", you almost certainly won't get anything by being a member.

Do you offer a money-back guarantee? Is there a free trial?

No. We're very proud of what we've built here. There's a tonne of value available instantly and there are no additional joining fees. If you decide this is not for you, you can cancel your membership at any time with the click of a button.
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